Dog Groomers Operations and Resources Blog

Head stuck in the sand? Don’t worry - we have answers! This is where 50+ combined years of Dog Grooming business, ideas, dilemmas, questions and musings lives

Anna Harch Anna Harch

Exactly WHO are our Clients?

We’re people pleasers and puppy pleasers, but how do we find a balance between the two? And more importantly, which comes first?

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Anna Harch Anna Harch

The Ethics of Matting

So how should price increases be approached and communicated to your clients? Let’s have a look at best practice.

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“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”


igroomhub is a learning platform for groomers of all skill levels, backgrounds, and career pathways

How can we help you?


Join our Membership platform for access to hundreds of dog grooming tutorials and courses from leading industry educators.


Essential resources, guides, information, and help for Australian Dog Grooming Business Owners, including coaching and staff training.


From free tutorials to a comprehensive home grooming online course, igroomdiy is here to help you strengthen your bond with your dog.


Courses for aspiring groomers, grooming school students, staff training, and professional development for the industry.