Dog Groomers Operations and Resources Blog

Head stuck in the sand? Don’t worry - we have answers! This is where 50+ combined years of Dog Grooming business, ideas, dilemmas, questions and musings lives

Anna Harch Anna Harch

Body Pain, No Gain

When does body pain jump (albeit achingly) out of the ‘just-part-of-the-job’ category and into something we should be genuinely concerned about long-term?

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Anna Harch Anna Harch

The Hangover - Christmas Edition

The holiday hangover is real, relentless, and if we’re honest… a bit of a cold-hearted b*tch! But with our big-girl pants on, let’s dive into why the feels are hitting like a rogue mat in a fluffy coat: it’s not you—it’s January.

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Anna Harch Anna Harch

Human Connection

Dog Groomers' schedules don't always allow for deep, meaningful conversations, but there are still small, impactful ways we can boost our human connections throughout the day.

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Melanie Thompson Melanie Thompson


Often, we associate loneliness with the physical state of being alone. However, loneliness is primarily a state of mind, which is good news because it suggests that we can address it even when we can't change our physical circumstances.

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Anna Harch Anna Harch

A Groomers Guide to Healthy Snacking

When your clipper battery starts dying, you recharge it. But the workhorse behind your clippers often gets overlooked - the groomer! It’s just as important to keep your body fueled as it is the tools in your arsenal, if not more.

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Anna Harch Anna Harch

Pet Grooming and Hair Splinters

Not only are hair splinters painful (you will normally feel them before you see them), but they can result in infection which can then trigger an immune response from the body.

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Anna Harch Anna Harch

Grooming Dogs that are having Chemotherapy

When grooming these dogs, it's important to take extra precautions because chemotherapy can weaken a dog's immune system and make them more susceptible to infections and other health issues.

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Anna Harch Anna Harch

Compassion Fatigue

There are many reasons why people become dog groomers. Money, flexibility, opportunity, environment, but there is one thing most will ultimately have in common: they want to help dogs.

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Anna Harch Anna Harch

Work Life Balance

“It must be so much fun playing with dogs all day!” - said everyone who isn’t in the industry.

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Natalie West Natalie West

Coping with Anxiety

Many groomers will often take home conflict from a staff member or client. We also deal with difficult animal welfare situations and a host of other daily stresses.

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