It’s like igroomhub express! When you only have a short amount of time to grab a bite of knowledge.
Preparing to Colour
Arrow, The Poodle Groomer, gives some quick tips on what you will need when colouring a dog.
Hand Stripping the Backline on an Aussie Terrier
Chuckie gives some great tips on how to remove the coat without breaking it.
Clipping in the Bevel on Poodle Bracelets
Tiarne shows how to use clippers and a #10 blade as an alternative to setting the bevel on the bottom of the bracelet.
Male Puppy Groin
Michelle explains how to clip a male puppy's groin.
Placing angulation in the coat
This is the difference between a salon pet trim and a confirmation/competition trim.
See the full groom with alicia and Apollo here
Shaving the Chinese Crested Dog
Alicia shows us how to shave the CCD with mousse and a razor. You can check out the full tutorial here.
Why the Wire?
Just some interesting facts about the wire coat from the Terrier Queen!
When to Stop
Prue emphasises the importance of knowing when to stop with the topknot!
Poodle Foot Bevel
Pro tip from Prue about how to bevel a poodle foot.
Wide-set, long ears
Scissoring wide-set, long ears can be a challenge! Fudge is such a funny little creature with her big ears and big tail - she totally rocks it! You can see the whole Fudge tutorial here.
Top Notch Top Knot Top Tips
Where better to get a top knot tutorial than from The Poodle Groomer herself?
Alicia's 'short bits' tips
Using a #10 and a very light skimming motion to reduce the chance of clipper rash.
Angulation Tip
Michelle uses a shorter blade to clear the underline and angle the back end of the dog. Nala has a very fine coat for a Cavoodle, and you can watch the whole tutorial set in the Cavoodle section of the Mixed Breeds page.
Straightening with Scissors
Chuckie gently scissors in the front leg on a bandy dog to give the illusion of a straight leg
Having trouble with the pads on a bandy dog?
Chuckie demonstrates on a dog with an arthritic foot the best way to maximize efficiency on a pad trim for the comfort of the dog.
Blending Tail to Body
Chuckie blends the tail into the body by placing the tail under the dog, gently clipping over.
Blending with a Short Blade (on a Westie)
Alicia’s tips for blending your clipper work when using a short blade (in this case, a#6FW)
Carding the Fluffy Coat
Charge extra with this little tip from Michelle
Applying Colour Enhancers on the Terrier Coat
Tips and tricks for the best outcome on your show or comp dog. View the full tutorial here.
Solo Salon Set Up
Chuckie Lund shows you inside her salon where she works alone. She shares her setup and favourite tools for working solo. The rest of Chuckie’s tips can be found in the Groomer Health section of the Groomerverse.
Changing a turning lever
You can easily DIY this task. Dale from Heiniger takes Nat through the process. Save yourself some money!
Broken blades
Retire, replace, or re-sharpen.
Lifting the hinge on your clippers
How to safely lift the hinge on your clippers to put a blade back on. Learn about clippers and blades in depth, here.
Putting a blade back together
Blade fallen apart? Here’s a simple how-to to get it back in working order. You can learn more about clippers and blades here.
How to know if your blade is too hot
It’s very important to check regularly.
Working on the face
Face handling tips and alternative holds to ensure dog safety and comfort.
Purchasing blades
What to watch out for! Learn more about blades here.
Where are the 'danger points' on a dog?
A very quick recap. See the detailed lecture here.
Clipped or Stripped?
Michelle talks to us about identifying if a coat has been stripped or clipped in the past. Do you know the difference? See more about hand stripping here.
Cavoodle Coat Variance
Jess talks about Toby’s uncommon Cavoodle coat. You can watch the whole groom here.
Tailset Optimisation
Alicia’s awesome tip to enhance the tailset on a Standard Schnauzer to fit the breed standard better. You can see the whole tutorial here, in MAGNUS PART 2
Creating a Strong Chest
Alicia Fragiadakis demonstrates how to create a strong chest by shortening the shoulder and showcasing the prosternum on a Standard Schnauzer. You can watch the whole tutorial in the Group 6 Utility - Advanced Grooming section, under Standard Schnauzer. Head to MAGNUS PART 2.
Leg setup for scissoring - mixed breed
Setting up teddy legs for scissoring when clipping the body. You can watch the whole tutorial here.
Bull Terrier Show Prep
Alicia and Leelo go through Leelo’s makeup bag and show you all their little show prep secrets!
Using band scissors
These nifty little snippers are a must have when removing bands. You can see the whole maintenance bath and banding tutorial with Colleen and Zemo here.
Getting a big dog out of the bath
It’s so important to keep larger dogs supported on their journey through the grooming process. This is a great tip with a towel! Learn more WHS tips in our Induction for Dog Groomers course.
The importance of ear protection
Do you know how loud your HV dryer is? Understand more important WHS aspects in our Induction Course for Dog Groomers.
Clearing the Eyes on a Difficult Dog
Clipper choice, handling and extra tips for when you need to tackle the eyes on a grumpy customer. You can see more challenging grooming situations here.
Blending Lines - Clipping Body, Scissoring Legs, Curly Coat
Where and how to clip the body when your groom style involves a clippered body with scissored legs. You can watch Alicia’s whole tutorial here.
Setting up for a Kerry Blue Terrier groom
Which shampoo and conditioner to use where, what angles to focus on when trimming. Watch the whole Kerry Blue tutorial with Allison Foley here.
3D Scissoring
Allison shows you how to move your body to get the best scissoring results. This and more tips can be found in the Advanced Techniques section of the Groomerverse, Scissoring Techniques for Success
How to Clean a Hydrobath
Nat takes you through all the steps for the end of day clean down. You can learn more about baths, bathing, and cleaning in our Bathing and Drying Section on the Before You Start page. This tutorial also forms part of our Bathing unit in the Bather Brusher Skill Set
The Poodle Skeleton
Allison Foley explains how the Continental Trim should fit on the skeleton of the poodle. You can see more Continental Trim tutorials in our Everything Poodle section.