Small to Medium Oodles
Lucius is in for a bath and tidy between grooms. At 12 months old, he is still getting used to the process (3 videos)
Tep's top teddy tips - wide comb attachment and scissored legs (2 videos)
Alicia and Loki run through a really basic salon trim with a Teddy Head and a #4F body . Alicia uses a wide blade for efficiency (3 videos)
Michelle and Nala explore the nuances of the finer Cavoodle coat, and some cool angulation tips! (4 videos)
Poppy - Routine and timing with tips, plus a cute groom with Michelle (4 videos)
Toby - salon groom on a very straight coated Cavoodle using a Dark Blue extension (2 videos)
Lexi - a sporty, Summer clip in great detail from Nicky. Back to basics (4 videos)
3 Cavoodle Heads, 1 Dog (4 videos)
Teddy Head on Wookie (3 videos)
Biju - orange body comb, green on the legs with a scissored finish and a Teddy head (4 videos)
Rosie - blending a matted coat with different blades (6 videos)
Luna - Orange extension with a tight teddy head (4 videos)
Clipping the eye area of a one-eyed Cavoodle, Jed (1 video)
Hendrix - blending a matted neck and throat (10 videos)
Pepe - Full groom on a cavoodle, detailed (3 videos)
Puppy's first clip (2 videos)
All other Small - Medium Oodles