Sanitary Areas
The sanitary areas of a dog are clipped with a #10 or a #15 blade. Try and avoid going over and over these areas as the skin is very sensitive and is prone to ‘clipper rash’ (clipper rash occurs when a blade is too hot, close or dirty, it also happens for reasons beyond this, the dog may over-lick an area and cause the skin to become susceptible to infection.)
On a male dog, clip at least a blade length in front of the penis to avoid the dog spraying on himself. The general rule for a bitch is to the second nipple.
Female Groins
Take the #10 blade and gently go over the vulva to remove hair.
Take the #10 blade up to the second nipple, in an upward motion, to remove hair from this area. You may need to stand the dog on her back legs to achieve this.
When clipping the anus, avoid a heavy hand, use light scooping touches either side of the anus to remove hair that may become diseased with feaces.
Clipping the Groin on a Female Spoodle
Alternative Female Groin - Daisy the Spoodle
MALE Groins
Take the #10 blade along the penis and remove hair at the front of the penis
Gently lift the back leg to remove hair from the penis to the inner part of the leg by scooping towards you
The hair is usually knotty and by removing unwanted hair this will sanitise the area
Avoid taking out too much hair towards the knee joint on the rear leg
Bald spots can be seen when the dog is standing
Clipping a Male’s Groin - Hendrix, Cavoodle
Poodle Face, Feet, Tail and Groin
If a dog has been wearing a jumper or harness, you may need to see if the underarm of the dog needs to be cleared out with a #10 blade.
Take the #10 blade directly under the armpit
Do not lift the leg too high
Try not to scoop too much out from the armpit, it should not be seen when the dog places it’s leg down
The under arm hair often becomes tangled; take out this small section if necessary
Stand the dog and gently raise the tail
Using a #10 blade, take the blade over the anus in an upward motion
Clear away all hair from directly around the anus
Be careful not to over-clip this area. Some dogs do not like this procedure or theymay suffer from clipper rash. Be extremely careful when using scissors in this area
If the #10 blade is not satisfactory try the #7F instead – this is used if the dog is prone to clipper rash; be careful around the flank area.
Using a Midi on a #10 setting for a Toy Poodle bum
Scissoring instead of clipping
Bum clipping in detail