Nail Clipping
Nails are clipped and/or ground and buffed with a ‘Dremel’ type tool. Black nails can be tricky to cut. Take small sections at a time and look for a black spot around the white calcium, this spot indicates the start of the blood and nerve supply. If you do ‘quick’ a nail, apply pressure or use a styptic powder or quick stop powder to stop the bleed. Nails that are not clipped may pose hazards to dogs and humans. Long claws will damage furniture and carpets; long nails cause painful welts on human skin.
Clipping nails is often met with fear from the groomer and the dog. A steady confident hand is needed for a trauma-free experience. Failure to keep nails short can make walking difficult for the dog. In-grown nails from a dew claw (located above the four nails on the inside leg) can become infected causing pain.
Gently lift the leg to examine the nail. If the nail is clear, you will be able to see the start of the blood and nerve supply. Trim the nail a millimeter or two from this point.
Hold the dog’s paw still in one hand, and insert the end of the toenail into the hole on the guillotine style trimmer, close down quickly. Open nail clippers are used in the same manner.
Be careful not to cut below the quick; the pinky looking protrusion seen in light-coloured nails. The quick contains blood vessels and nerves and is very sensitive, like the cuticle on a human nail.
Cut at a 90-degree angle so that the nail will be parallel to the surface of the floor.
If bleeding occurs, apply some Styptic Powder to the nail.
If the nail continues to bleed be patient, apply more pressure and wait until bleeding stops. This will congeal the blood flow.
Take off small sections at a time.
Look closely at the nail for a black dot; this will indicate that blood supply is close to thesurface. Stop clipping when you reach this point.
Check for front and back dew claws. These nails do not wear down like toe nails and need regular attention.
Be firm and confident when doing nails. Remain calm as the dog can sense any unease on your behalf.
The pads will be trimmed. Under the soft part of a dog’s paw is an upside down ‘V ‘. The hair in this area needs to be carefully removed with a #10, #15, #30 or #40 blade. Do not use a blade in between the paws as you are likely to cut the dogs webbing.
Miniature Poodle Feet and Nails
Pug - Part Face, Feet and Nails
Nails on a Rottweiler
Nails on a Labrador
Trimming the nails of a Greyhound
Nail Grinding
Using a Dremel tool to grind nails