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Grappling with Grinches

I’m having trouble with my clients and we’ve only just touched the surface of silly season.

Even clients that are usually sweet have been getting a little nasty and I’m not sure how to deal with it.

Please help!

If Rudolph taught us anything it’s that no one deserves to feel less-than, especially at this time of year! (Probably the only time a red nose and lack-of-availability are held in the same sentence)

In Barb’s Dictionary you will find ‘December’ under ‘F’ because my many years of experience has taught me that the correct name is ‘Flustember’, and no one can nor will they tell me otherwise!

The twelfth month of the year. In the southern hemisphere, it is usually considered the first month of Summer and marks the unleash of the crazies.
“Karen was an absolute cow, but it is Flustember”

By no means am I excusing rude behaviour, but I do want you to know - as cliche as it sounds - it’s not you, it's them.

Picture this: work is hectic, calendars are full and cups are near empty. You’ve gone down your to-do list and second from the bottom is ‘Book a groom for Bentley”, you’ve made the call and the groomer is booked until Hanguary.

The first month of the year. The entirety of the month is typically spent with a hangover-like headache trying to remember what the heck happened in Flustember.
“Give Monica a wide berth, she’s having a particularly rough Hanguary”

You’re angry. Not at the groomer/person on the phone, but at the fact that you can’t tick that second last task off your Flustember list, so you’ll take it out on them.

I’ve spent too many Flustember’s on the receiving end of that and for years I took it home with me. What I wish I knew sooner is that the people dishing out feel better, leave it at the end of the conversation and go about their days not thinking twice about it!

So Barb taught herself to remember:
Don’t you dare let
Another's lack of quette,
Draw a drop of sweat
Or cause you an upset.
(quette being etiquette, and yes, I have prints of this in the works).

Rude behaviour shouldn’t be excused, but I know I can't control the greater population. What I can do is encourage you to set some boundaries and to not take their comments home with you, because lord knows that they won’t be, and will be back (kindly and lovingly) at their next appointment.

Back yourself, set your boundaries, and I’m wishing you the best possible Flustember!


P.S - NO is your word of the month, if they don’t like it, send them to Barb for a good talking to!